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Shipping Wonders of the World

Dramas of Salvage

Dramas of Salvage was a series of articles which appeared throughout Shipping Wonders of the World. Here is a complete list of the articles.

Dramas of Salvage

  1. Diving for £1m: The Treasure Ship SS Egypt
  2. Raising a 24,000 tons Ship: The Leonardo da Vinci
  3. A Trinity of Dramatic Exploits - the Onward, Gladiator and the St Paul.
  4. Seven Years Under the Sea: the Laurentic
  5. The Ship That Broke Her Back: the cargo ship Araby
  6. Raising a Submarine Minelayer: the UC44
  7. The Unlucky K 13
  8. Raising the German Fleet
  9. Raising the Maine

Not part of this series but relevant:

Captain Fryatt and the “Brussels”

shipping wonders of the world salvage